Today, many households are faced with challenges ranging from empty pantries, loss of health insurance, to the threat of homelessness, and don’t know where to turn. The Family Resource program at The Mechanicville Area Community Services Center (MACSC) is dedicated to supporting families with these challenges by providing education, support, referral resources and assisting individuals and families with accessing resources within MACSC and the community that will help meet their needs and goals. After critical needs are met, clients and caseworkers strive together to identify strengths, address obstacles, and work to set and achieve future goals. The Family Resource program helps motivate individuals and families to become proactive with their lives within their communities, while also helping to prevent crises by providing families with tools and guidance that helps empower them to build on their own strengths and resources to meet life’s challenges.
The Mechanicville Area Community Services Center can assist in helping you navigate local resources based on your needs. Please reach out to us for more information!
Partners In Parenting
Do you have young children and would like to meet other local parents? The Mechanicville Area Community Services Center offers a free informative and interactive parent group which provides a relaxed group environment and a safe place for parents talk, learn and support one another. Parents to meet weekly to discuss joys and challenges of parenting, special activities and presenters. While parents enjoy friendship and community, children attend our structured Pre-School Play Group.
For information or to become part of MACSC Parenting group contact,
contact Emily Starks (518) 664-8322 ext 1023
Follow us on Facebook on our Partners In Parenting Group;
Financial Assistance
Are you struggling to make ends meets? Are you having difficulty with your Rent or Utility bill? Do you need a little financial assistance but you are hesitant to ask? Please don’t be afraid to ask for help, we are here to assist in any capacity we can!
Nowadays, we all need a little help, The Mechanicville Area Community Services Center offers a wide variety of resources to assist community members in need. Our Advocates may be able to help with financial assistance for Rent or Utilities. They can also connect you with additional resources based on your need and individual situation. Please complete the MACSC General Intake Form and one of our advocates will complete an evaluation.
School Supply Assistance
Every year MACSC host a Back-To-School Supply Drive to gear up our youth for the coming school year. Our goal is the allow the youth in our community to have a complete focus on education and help kick start the school year. We offer FREE school supplies for children of families in need. Assistance is available for families in the following school districts: Mechanicville, Stillwater, Hoosic Valley & Waterford. Grades pre-K-12th grade.
How can you help MACSC School Supply Drive? For information on how to donate to MACSC School Supply Drive, contact Tammie Alikonis at (518) 664-8322 ext 1014. (Donations can be dropped off at MACSC Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
School Supplies for Grade Pre-K – 12
View MACSC School Supply Needs Flyer
Check Out our online Wishlist
Erasers, #2 Pencils, Pens, Pencil boxes/pouches, Pencil Sharpeners, Scientific Calculators, Composition Notebooks, 3 & 5 Subject Notebooks, Dividers, Binders, Folders, Glue & Glue Sticks, Markers, Highlighters, Dry Erase Markers, Hand Sanitizer, Tissues, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Backpacks, Lunch Bags, etc
For information on how to sign-up for School Supply assistance,
contact our office at (518) 664-8322
Thanksgiving Distribution
We offer a Holiday Assistance Program that assist families and children in need during the Holidays. Our Thanksgiving Distribution program is a great way for us to give back to community members in need of assistance during the Thanksgiving holiday. We provide every family with everything they need to prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Assistance is available for families in the following areas: Mechanicville, Stillwater, Hoosic Valley & Waterford
How can you help MACSC Thanksgiving Basket Food Drive? For information on how to donate to MACSC Thanksgiving Basket Food Drive, contact Tammie Alikonis at (518) 664-8322 ext 1014. (Donations can be dropped off at MACSC Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
Food For Thanksgiving Meal
View MACSC Thanksgiving Needs Flyer
Gravy, Stuffing, Desserts, Cranberry Sauce, Apple Sauce, Potatoes (Mashed or Canned), Canned Veggies (Corn, Mixed, beans, Carrots, Candy Yams), Gift Cards (Price Chopper, Hannaford, Wal-Mart, Target)
For information on how to sign-up for Thanksgiving Distibution Basket,
contact our office at (518) 664-8322 ext 1001
Holiday Assistance Program
We offer a Holiday Assistance Program that assist families and children in need during the Holidays. Our Holiday Assistance program is a great resource for families during the Christmas Holiday. This is a supplemental program and is not meant to fulfill all Holiday gift needs. We provide assistance for children up to 18 years old in the following school districts: Mechanicville, Stillwater, Hoosic Valley & Waterford. MACSC’s Holiday Assistance program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis, nothing is guaranteed, and application priority will be given to families currently participating in MACSC programming. Your personal information will be shared with other agencies. If you ask for additional assistance from another agency, you will NO LONGER be eligible to participate in MACSC’s Holiday Gift Assistance program.
NOTE: If you do not live in the area specified above, here are some other agencies that offer holiday assistance programs in Saratoga County. CAPTAIN CHS , Franklin Community Center , Salvation Army – Saratoga Springs, NY 518.584.1640 | Latham, NY 518.785.4928 | Halfmoon, NY 518.373.5880
How you can help MACSC Holiday Assistance Program our Operation Holiday Spirit “Adopt-a-Child”? For information on how to donate to MACSC Holiday Assistance Program our Operation Holiday Spirit “Adopt-a-Child”, contact Tammie Alikonis at (518) 664-8322 ext 1014. (Donations can be dropped off at MACSC Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
Christmas Items for children up to 18
Gift Cards, Legos, Clothes, Shoes, Boots, Arts & Crafts, STEM Projects, Board Games, Personal Care Items
If you are in need of Holiday Assistance for your child(ren) or have any questions, please contact Dannielle Castro our office at (518) 664-8322 ext 1010
Winter Coat Program
Our Winter Coat program is a great resource for families during the winter months. We provide assistance for children up to 18 years old in the following school districts: Mechanicville, Stillwater, Hoosic Valley & Waterford. MACSC’s Winter Coat program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis, nothing is guaranteed and application priority will be given to families currently participating in MACSC programming.
NOTE: If you do not live in the area specified above, here are some other agencies that may offer assistance in Saratoga County. CAPTAIN CHS , Franklin Community Center , Salvation Army – Saratoga Springs, NY 518.584.1640 | Latham, NY 518.785.4928 | Halfmoon, NY 518.373.5880
How you can help support MACSC Winter Coat Program? For information on how to donate to MACSC Winter Coat Program, contact Tammie Alikonis at (518) 664-8322 ext 1014. (Donations can be dropped off at MACSC Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.)
Winter Coats for children up to 18 (accepting NEW items ONLY)
Winter Coats, Hats, Scarfs, Gloves, Winter Boots
If you have any questions about the Winter Coat Sign-up or Required Documents,
contact our office at (518) 664-8322
Winter Coats for Seniors (accepting NEW items ONLY)
Winter Coats, Hats, Scarfs, Gloves
If you have any questions about the Winter Coat Sign-up or Required Documents,
contact Tammie Alikonis at (518) 664-8322 ext 1014
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
The Mechanicville Area Community Services Center Inc is able to offer Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), as a FREE Income Tax Preparation during tax season, to those who qualify. This program typically opens in February and closes in April. Since COVID-19, MACSC’s IRS certified VITA volunteers have been virtual, utilizing a secure online portal where taxpayers can enter information and upload tax documents.
If you would like to have your taxes prepared for FREE, our IRS certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is back for the 2024 tax year….and will be virtual again this year. Tax preparation will run from February 3rd through April 1st.
The GYR (Get Your Refund) link is available our website beginning Monday February 3rd to get the process started, and to see if you qualify. You will be able to enter your information and upload your tax documents. Once entered, a tax preparer will be in touch with you to discuss your return. Phone calls will come from a private (or out of area) number. Some communication can also be done through texting or email.
If you need further assistance or in person options, please contact
Andrea Cowell at (518) 664-8322 ext 1003 or
Dannielle Castro at (518) 664-8322 ext 1010
In-Person Tax Preparation
If you are looking for in-person tax preparation or a location where you can drop-off your documents, there are other locations in Saratoga County that may be able to accommodate you. Please see the list of locations below or call 211 for further assistance.